Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Tri-General Tournament

The Goblet of Electiofire had spurt out the names of the two champions who would participate in the Tri-General tournament. The championship was meant to be contested by three but never had it thrown out more than two names in the previous fifty odd years. 

Champion no. 1 was Reggie from the School of Empowerment. Known for their good looks and charming personalities, Empowerment taught them the magic of words. A string of words that tackled every problem in the world.

Champion no. 2 was Ned from the School of Controversies. Characterized by boldness and aggression they considered themselves Empowerment’s (gulp, the school that is) no. 1 foe. Their forte lay in their magical charms which were all about jingles.

There were no surprises here; the two schools always competed against each other. So the students rose and began to celebrate but all went quiet when they saw the goblet fire up again. Much to their shock, it spat out another name. A third champion would compete for the first time in the history of the Tri-General tournament.

Champion no. 3 was Andy from the latest school on the block, the Muffler School of Magical Arts. Every student in this school was a commoner with nothing but their flying skills to boast about. While they did learn their spells and potions, their strength lay in their magical brooms.

Oh, Andy was an underdog alright, but his flying abilities held everyone in awe. After all he was the boy who lived despite the number of slaps that came his way. Reggie and Ned didn't really care, as far as they were concerned they were the heirs. 

The tournament was made of two tasks. The first being making the spectators dance to their tunes. While the second was to venture far across the Empire, tackling every monster and spell that was thrown at them. The contest was set to take place in two days and a large crowd was expected to turn up. Not only would there be students from all three schools but also folks from all across the Empire. It was going to be the moment of a lifetime for whoever would win.

The three champions had begun their practice.

Reggie didn't really have much to do as his school had one solution for all. “Empowerment and Youth!” that’s all he had to say. He had never questioned what it meant but he knew it sounded magical and well, that was about the only spell he had managed to learn. So he went about muttering the spell and doing little of anything else.

Ned was smug as he watched Reggie mutter around. He knew his school could win the cup this time. All he had to do was recite their latest magical jingle, the spectators would swoon all over him and he could tackle all dragons and monsters thrown his way. 
“Spells I may or may not cast, Ned’s laugh will be the last” he repeated to himself all through the 48 hours that lay in between him and the championship. He was quite confident that his jingle would work, he had already heard a lot of sniggering and chatter each time he recited the lines. Yes, people were already falling for its charm.

Andy practiced as well. He flew his broom around telling one and all that it was now time for the commoner to win. It was now time for spectators in the crowd who sent their children to schools like his to win. That was his secret weapon against the veterans, woo the spectators and wipe off the two old timers with his magical broom.

Finally the championship day dawned. All three stood smug, each convinced of their own win as they walked out into the stadium unprepared for the sight that met their eyes. The stands were full with a crowd like they had never seen before. Jeering and clapping all at once. Andy was overwhelmed to say the least. But Reggie and Ned felt a shiver go down their spine, for the first time they weren't sure who was being jeered and who was being cheered. But before they could react or wonder what to do, a sharp shot rang through the air. 

The Tri-General tournament had begun. 

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  1. May the worst two men lose :P (There being no best man - and not in the wedding sense - the customary saying did not seem appropriate :) )

    1. Now that is a good way of putting it :P Well, nothing seems appropriate here any more now :P

  2. Nice, liked the analogies with RaGa, NaMo, AK with Reg, Ned and Andy, and the broom was a master stroke if I may say so :)

    1. The broom was what triggered off this post. Glad you liked the move :)

  3. J.K Rowling will be so proud :) yes, the madness is upon us...again. Let's hope that a "Hari" can magically appear representing the real witches and wizards and add some more drama to the mix

    1. Oh I was wondering if this would ever classify as a worthy (in whatever degree) spin off. And I wish to that our own Hari Puttar turns up, I think the first spell I would use is Stupefy on certain jingles that are thrown out there right now :P

  4. hmm,its really funny about election drama.but the truth is,india ain't true democracy,every constituency is managed by a powerful dictator and all these dictators are managed by another dictator at centre who can promise these little dictators a piece of country to feast after winning. i think spectators are losers when the games are over.

    1. To each his own perspective Prasad. This post was just a lighter take on it

    2. hmm am a realist,i can never write things on lighter side,sometimes it irritates people.its like how you are grown up from childhood.

  5. Lovely ! I wonder if any one of them is under the influence of the Dark Lord ! And whether this tournament would mark an 'Avada Kedavara' of any of them !

    1. Now that is a thought Ash! And there could be death eaters around too no? and like you said, who knows this might be the Avada Kedavara for one or more... question is who will get stuck down and who wont :)

  6. My gut feeling says that Andy is going to make it. - May the Force be with him.

    1. May the force be with the one who can help this country for the better :)

  7. Let the crowd be intelligent enough to decide.
    Very well written Seeta.

    1. Absolutely, I hope sound judgment and good sense prevails this time around.

  8. Superb !! And I agree with the previous comment.. May Mother India win the tournament.

    1. I agree, amen to that. Lets see how it goes!

  9. Very imaginative Seeta. Pottermania vs Electionmania. Lets hope for a stable government that delivers.

    1. The broom made me think up this one :) But I agree, doesn't matter who comes to power as long as we get a stable government

  10. I support Andy, the underdog. After being fooled by Ned and Reggie for decades, it's time we gave a new buffoon the opportunity to take us for a ride.

    1. Love the way you put it. We know we will be taken for a ride it might as well be a new one :P

  11. Lovely one, Seeta :) Love the golden Trophy that is at stake! :)

    1. yeah and for that trophy's sake lets hope the best man wins :)

  12. Loved the analogy fest Seeta. The golden trophy is raising the stakes.


    1. Thanks Jas :) Yup stakes are rather high this time and the good news is the crowd is turning up!

  13. Well done :)

  14. Replies
    1. Somehow this is what came to mind when I thought of the entertainment that is on right now :)


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