Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Land of Presents: A Guest Post

Source: Wiki

What do you call a person who has taken the blogging world by a storm? What do you say of a writer whose name is synonymous with fiction writing?  How do you describe a blogger who not only goes out of the way to help his fellow mates but also steers their ship in the right direction?...There are many who try their hand at Fiction but only a handful truly master the art of narration and dot the I’s and cross the t’s not just once, but every single time. Among that handful, the ability to sustain this talent and make their creativity flourish lies with a select few. And even then, not all can boast of a perfect diction as much as this person can.

A brilliant weaver of words, the textures he creates and the nuances he brings in makes not just me but everyone applaud; Yes, each and every time. Because every time he picks his pen, only magic flows.
You would have guessed it by now, he can only be SidBalachandran; the man behind ‘I Wrote Those’ and a dear friend that I have found in this virtual world. Though we had known each other as fellow bloggers, only when we discovered a common love for Fiction did we really get talking, and went on to build a friendship cemented by that very passion.

A person whose blog is one of the most popular ones in the 'Blogosphere' today, writing a guest post for it was a thought that overwhelmed me beyond measure. But a few days back when he asked if I could write a post and sent across one of his Project365’s daily prompts, he had me fall for it hook, line and sinker. Who other than a good friend would know that if there was a way to make me sit up and take notice, then it was a way through books?

The prompt asked me if after spending time with a group of people, I felt energized and ready for anything or did I want to hide in the corner with a good book. I really didn't have to think hard on this one; I knew the only way I could do justice to the Fiction King’s prompt was by writing a small piece of Fiction.

Here is a snippet of what lies ahead :)

“Cindy! I am so glad you could make it. It is always a pleasure to see you” exclaimed Rita brushing her cheeks and kissing the air near them, religiously following the rules from left to right. But then she was always the type to play by the book, thought Cindy batting her eyelids and flashing a pearly white smile as she hugged her back. Dressed in a low cut little black dress with her eyes intensified with kohl, large drops of diamonds twirling below her ears and a stunning red accentuating her notorious pout, Rita seemed dressed to kill she thought, rather than just host the cocktail party she had thrown to celebrate her birthday.  Glancing down at her own lacy peasant girl top paired with a turquoise blue short skirt, she wondered if she was under dressed for the party.

Top post on IndiBlogger.in, the community of Indian Bloggers


  1. Nice piece, Seeta! If it is a bunch of close friends then no I don't miss even books. I can yap on for hours but if it is a gathering of the kind that you've depicted then yes and escape away to my room will be something I would yearn for.

    1. Completely agree Rachna... same applies for me too :)

  2. CONGRATS. He is awesome no? ON MY WAY ON MY WAY ON MY WAY!!!

    1. Oh yes thank you Red. It indeed is a privilege :) I'll meet you there!

  3. Aww! Thank you so much for the "praising" (and might I add jealous-worthy) intro. Loved it. And yes, the pleasure has been all mine. Loved having you around on IWroteThose.com, and I promise you it wont be the last. You are after all, the master of suspense, when it comes to blog fiction.

    1. It was all very well deserved Sid. I have read quite a bit of Fiction across blogs and realized that the Mecca for it would be I Wrote Those :)
      Master of suspense? *looking around, wondering who you are talking about*

  4. me, I am all full of zest once I am with friends, the two weeks in india i spent in march I woke up at 5:30/6am and slept almost around 1pm or 2pm and kept everyone awake toooo :)

    ok Going over to read :)


  5. Sid Balachandran ki jai ho. 'Fiction King'...a perfect title for him. :-) Off to read your piece of fiction...Fiction Princess. :-)

    1. Wow, I am flattered Rekha.. thank you! :)

  6. A wonderful story Seeta... :-)

    1. Thanks Mani. got your comment on Sids blog as well :)

  7. I could completely relate to the story Seeta. For I am one such introvert who cannot stand much of society.
    Very well written piece and it put forth your views so clearly.

    1. That is so nice to hear Aarthy. Glad you liked it :)

  8. Lovely introduction of Sid and probably well deserved. Shall comment on your post on Sid's blog.

    1. Got the comment, when I penned this down, I was wondering if anyone would associate with the book I chose for the ending. The first name that came to my mind was you :)


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