Tuesday, July 08, 2014


Source: www.chippingin.wordpress.com

She checked the shocking pink on her finger nails, carefully examining if the brush had done justice to each; slowly she shifted her attention to her phone lying next to the coffee mug on the table. Making herself look busy she did nothing but stare at the screen and check the time every time it ticked a second more. 4:00 PM, the clock didn't seem to move an inch. Then she twirled her coffee cup and watched the cream dance out of the lovely leaf that it once was, giving a peek of the fragrant caffeine that lay beneath. Slowly she stole a glance towards the chair opposite and watched him make the white in his cup jiggle with the brown just as she had done a minute before. He smiled down at the cup; the same mischief spreading over his face as it had a decade ago. A decade since they had met…a decade since they had been friends.

Silence had replaced the chatter and proximity had met its match with stiffness. What was once called openness was now redefining itself as hesitation. She inquired about his family and he her’s. A lot of vacuum in their lives had been filled but a few old spaces had remained empty.

Time flew back and she reminisced the old days. The afternoon lectures perked up with the exchange of silent notes and the pinches and tickles that saved many a snoozing days. Birthdays turning bumpier every year and exams fluttering every nerve. Crying over crushes and laughing over gossip. Getting drunk over heartbreaks and celebrating over job offers. They had been through it all. Right from the thick to the thin, tiding over every hurdle holding hands that were glued together with the strongest adhesive that was around – Friendship. Could a guy and girl just be friends? she had been asked. Look at us and you will know how, she had said.

Breaking away from the memories she had treasured over the decade, she sipped her coffee, the warmth seeping through her mind, making her wonder why she had let ten years just go. Seasons had come, of love, friendships, careers, marriage and jobs -Some to stay forever, some to go. They had made her forget and lose herself in the flurries and the drops that pelted down on the window of her life. But there had always been something amiss, something that added the zing to life like crispy hot pakoras on a rainy evening or hot chocolate on a cold wintry night. It had taken her ten long years to realize what had stayed away from her reach. Friendship. There were friends she had shared all those ups and downs with but ‘The’ friend had been missing all along. Taking with him that zing that would have made the defining years of her life a lot more memorable than they were today. She thought of all those albums and the pictures that captured the moments of her life. All her loved ones were in them except one.

She gave herself a shake, no longer admiring the paint on her nails. She looked at her phone, just a glance.Thirty minutes had passed by, thirty minutes of reliving those ten years that had slipped by. Thirty minutes of silence as they both fiddled with their coffee that had now gone cold. No more, she thought. She was now at a juncture where she needed her close ones with her, to look back and smile at the life they had all shared. Together.  

No longer did she steal a glance; instead she looked up, summoning the waiter. “Two more latte’s please?” she said, hearing the sigh of relief being let out across from her.

It was time to renew her friendship.

A take on the prompt 'Describe thirty minutes into the renewal of a friendship'

Top post on IndiBlogger.in, the community of Indian Bloggers


  1. Nicely done. For me, probably one of your best posts so far. That feeling of "eternal friendship" and the "trials and tribulations" that accompany such - very clearly put

    1. That means a lot to me Sid! I hope to capture the emotion the best I could.. glad you think I did justice to that :)

  2. oh that was lovely!!
    made me miss my best friend like crazy! msged him right away after reading this post and before commenting here ! :D

    1. Thanks Hema :) And I am so so glad it made you do that. Just that made the writer in me feel like I had achieved what I always meant to :)

  3. I smelled the coffee, saw the spoon stir it and heard the "Two more lattes please?" Very visual, and ... ahem ... a tad autobiographical? :)

    1. Glad I could take you with me there Sakshi, what more can I ask for? :) Autobiographical or not, I think all of us go through these churns of friendship... no? :)

  4. Yep very visual. I could see the whole scene in front of me. It is so easy to renew friendships especially the kind that are eternal. The hesitation and the determination both coming through nicely. Wow, nicely dobe. Me off to call my fiend now. :)

    1. Thanks Jaibala :) Please call your friend, it makes me so happy that this post could do that... and yes, the hesitation and the determination were what I hoped would reflect...

  5. Richly described. Loved these lines - "Thirty minutes had passed by, thirty minutes of reliving those ten years that had slipped by. Thirty minutes of silence as they both fiddled with their coffee that had now gone cold." Hope their friendship is renewed!

  6. Such a beautiful ode to friendship, Seeta! Loved it :) this line describes it so well - Seasons had come, of love, friendships, careers, marriage and jobs -Some to stay forever, some to go.

    1. Thanks Aathira.. yup we want them friends to stay with us in those seasons right.. :)

  7. The memories we create with some friends are so precious that they cant be forgotten just like that person we were with ! I hope this friendship is renewed !

  8. Friendship is something I believe in 100% with all my heart, thankfully i have been blessed with some beautiful human beings who are more than friends ..

    I have some beautiful memories , which i am sure you have also read on my blog.. and they are there to STAY for as long as I am alive..

    and I could visualise all of this happening so clearly .. right in front of my eyes or WITH me ..

    god bless this friendship always .. and yes

    can we RE-order TWO more once this is finished :) if it is finished as got a lot to talk about ...


    1. You are very fortunate Bikram, hold on to them tightly buddy :) and why just re-order two? let the coffee flow :)

    2. Thank you mam for the wishes..

      he he he .. yeah let the coffee flow.. but too much caffeine is also not good for healthy .. maybe move on to another drink ha ha ha


  9. As Sid said, this is one of your best. You've painted vivid and colorful pictures with your words. And this sentence-

    They had made her forget and lose herself in the flurries and the drops that pelted down on the window of her life.

    - was pure music. Well done Seeta. Your eloquence is amazing. Such a short post and such a world of emotion!

    Kudos to you!

    You've reminded me of my best friend. He has passed over to the other side but not a day goes by when I don't relive the time I spent with him.

    1. Thanks Dagny, your words mean a lot to me. I intentionally kept the post shot, had it been any longer, the emotion would have bee diluted.
      Glad it reminded you of your friend, his friendship is with you forever. Hugs..

    2. Very glad that the story ended the way it did - mysterious yet hopeful.
      Nicely done!

    3. Thanks Rickie! Had I let it get any longer or end in another way. the essence would have been lost

  10. Awesome post, immediately took me back to my college days where the ending was not quite as nice as your post was :) But thanks for that gentle push down memory lane, truly appreciate it.

    1. Glad I could do that Jai... it does sadden to know that things didnt end all that well, maybe you can do something about it now? Order those two lattes maybe? :)

  11. Fluid writing. Love the story loads and the story of every young man and woman in a big or small city. So relatable:)

    1. Thanks Vishal... going by the response I got to this one, I realized it is the tale of many :)

  12. awesome blog seeta... as you very well know. am not an avid reader or writer.. but this piece did inspire me a bit.... I have been following all your posts earlier as well.... I really liked the 4 part story ...always knew you were a good writer....

    this blog reminds me of such a friend.... will definitely invite her for coffee some day.. and will make sure we order two cups each rather than one .. coz for sure there is going to be some radio silence initially... as is evident from some of the messages, far and few between, that I have shared with her... :)

    1. The messages might be far and few but the intent to message is there everyday. Not just two cups, order a lot more because I don't think she is going to let you go that easily now :)

  13. Friendship is all about never letting go and it grows from the feeling of sharing your life with that special person, irrespective of sex. Reminds me of one of my male friends. Beautiful post.

    1. Absolutely.. never let them go... and frankly gender never matters, its the relation and connect you share that does :)... Happy that it reminded you of one your friends Saru, I hope you told him that as well :)

  14. Cannot say any more than has already said, so will say nothing :) Except that you have, usual, been very evocative.

    1. Thanks Suresh. That means you said a lot :)

  15. And what better way to thaw a cherished relationship than a cup of coffee :-)

    1. and what better way to put it then you just did :)

  16. Amen. Sometimes it is never the same, more so if it involves a man and a woman. I can identify with the hesitation...Lovely piece Seeta.

    1. Very true Alka but sometimes I think we let things come in between us, esp. if it is man and a woman, our society wont change that easily but the least we can do is tighten the grip and hold on... thanks so much for your words.

  17. Renewal is always cool, Seeta! Even though we have to go for ordering hot coffee :)
    Nicely expressed!

  18. Very nicely written Seeta. Picking up the threads after so many years is never easy. Loved the treatment.


    1. Never never easy... but if we can.. nothing like it. Thanks for stopping by Jas :)

  19. A brilliant ode to frienship. The acompanying imagery was indeed evocative.

    1. Thank you Fool, you know your words always mean a lot :)

  20. Love her for rekindling the relationship. I could so relate with this one.

  21. Lots of good deserving compliments on your post! Very well written Seeta! :) Nice take on friendship.

    1. Thanks Indrani. So glad you enjoyed it

  22. Very evocative writing Seeta. I want to follow this story...see.. you got me so involved :)

    1. I don't know where this story will go Bushra... I am wondering too... but when it does move ahead, I promise to pen it down. Thanks so much for thought :)

  23. Lovely post Seeta ! The protagonists silence and emotions can be felt so easily... loved how you gave it a happy ending without any twisty effort :)

    1. Thanks! Yes, I really did not want to twist this one :)

  24. Another lovely story Seeta.... :-)


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