Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Kya kar rahe ho AAP?

Source: www.strategicmoves.wordpress.com

I still remember the day you rose into our lives, bringing with you the possibility of a brighter tomorrow. For the first time in years, I was enamored…For the first time in years I began to believe that things could change, the darker side of politics could be stopped from taking over. For the first time in years I understood what it meant when Gandhiji said “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”. For the first time I felt there was hope.

And you didn't let me down. Your performance in Delhi showed how I was not alone. There were many like me, rooting for you. You got your chance and we were elated. This was the perfect platform to learn, to dig deeper and let the roots spread. To lay the foundation of an identity that we could proudly nurture in the coming years.

But alas, that was not to be. You gave up, and left us feeling orphaned. We groped around, wondering why darkness had suddenly enveloped us from all around. Why did you give up? Didn't you always say that the only way to get rid of the muck was by stepping in, regardless of our own hands getting dirty? Then why did the first one setback make you give up? You could give us countless reasons for what you did, they might have made sense to you too, but all we could see was our winning horse abandoning the race midway.

Was this a sign of the coming tomorrow? No! We couldn't let that be. The darkest of times had set upon us; we desperately needed that one ray of hope to tide us towards the end of the tunnel. The mother of all Elections was round the corner, so we held on, this time tightening our grip a tad bit more, lest you suddenly gave away.

And then Elections arrived. You started showing us glimpses of the fire we had seen in you before. Our hopes began to surge. Yes there were times when you made us wonder how different you really were from the rest, esp. when you joined the mud slinging game… but we persisted. After all these years, we had but you to make certain that we made a difference. That’s how desperate we were.

You woke many of us up from our deep slumber. If nothing else, you made us move our lazy behinds and vote. Frankly that itself was a big feat to achieve. But was invoking the passion your only job? Was that the only reason why you came into being?

We knew your aim was to sit in the opposition, to ensure governance remains just that – governance. To ensure, the right things are done to help us grow and to make us safe. To ensure our country pulled out of the stagnating waters and progressed towards calmer shores.

You made a grand entry into the house, maybe not as regal as you expected but nevertheless it was significant. For the first time in Indian history, a party as young as you had garnered four seats. It might have seemed trivial, but for the purpose you wish to achieve, it was the first step.

We wouldn't want any more, definitely not want you to keep making those deafening noises, that’s all you seem to be doing right now. No, we do not want you to go around criticizing those in power even before they have begun their work, that’s not what you were meant to be there for. No, we do not want you to keep pointing your fingers at the world, not when your own house is yet to be built, strong enough to weather all storms.

All we would want is that now you work towards the cause you took birth for. To strengthen yourself and let those seeds you have sown develop. To make the most of the next five years and establish yourself as a force to reckon for. To prove your mettle’s worth by focusing on the goal you set out to achieve in the first place.

There will be a lot of stones thrown your way, but if you stop and retaliate, all it will do is distract you from your goal, slow down the journey you have set out on. There will be obstacles in your path, but making noises and hitting the headlines for all the wrong reasons will not make those vanish, if anything they will only grow. After all you are on the road less traveled.

Don’t let yourself become another Lok Paritran, who died before they could live. Wake up, don’t let this faith thousands of Indians have placed in you wither away. Noise will only distance the ones who care to care. Learn that silence is golden, precious enough to pave the way. Because God forbid, five years down, if these dark clouds were to return, we would want you to be there, stronger and mightier, to tide us through… yes to that brighter tomorrow.


  1. Completely agree Seeta. There was so much of expectations which came to naught. Having said that, I still herald the start of the new thought as they are harbinger of better things to come, better ideals to stand for.The ideals are right - the implementation is not. We just hope that the stone that has been thrown in the still pond will create the ripples it needs to bring in the revolution.

    1. Absolutely. Just that when I see AAP volunteers or AAPtards (isn't that derogatory?) going about pointing fingers, it irks me. Agree the idea is there, but there is nobody doing another other than pointing fingers

  2. I had so many hopes with AK and the party and the movement it signified. But he has completely lost direction and his marbles as well. With all the dramebazi he has subjected us to, it seems highly unlikely that AAP will be able to show a resurgence.

    1. I think the philosophy still needs to survive.. but the way they are going about it, that needs a change... right now they have made us loose hope, but frankly we do need an alternative in the long run...unless of course the next five years prove otherwise

  3. Timely, Seeta. There is hope for revival. A healthy democracy needs the original AAP.

    1. Absolutely. You nailed it as always Alka :)

  4. Oh...i can sense a lot of frustration here. Yes, just because they weren't able to do what they set out to, we can all hope for a re-evolution!

    1. Yeah :) I see AAPtards (god, I can't stand that name) going about on FB questioning pre and post election promises... pointing fingers and what not. Hell, what have they done to do that? First get your stance right and then go bully the rest.. if they need to bullied that is. Right now there is no reason at all for any of it.

  5. I have serious doubts though. What makes a revolutionary tick is not what is useful in running a government - much like a good critic may well not be a good author. AK seems fit to be making noises about what needs to be there in governance but he seems incapable of being the person who can put those things in place. The critic HAS his place and a much-needed role BUT, unless he also has it in him to DO, he would do best to stay a critic.

    1. Every pack needs a good leader and you are right AK is probably not the right one. With him it will all be noise and soon it will die out. My problem is with the concept dying out, there us a need for it, and it should survive but going by how it is now and how the active volunteers behave, seems like it will stay being just a noise. Liked the way you put it, AK's strength does like in being a critic.. and like you said that is not enough to govern or question those who govern.

  6. Maybe they had good thoughts and wanted progress...but they forgot that a nationl is not a kindergarten where u come and teach the kids some values. They had no strategy..Maybe they will learn.

    1. Kindergarten! You hit the nail Red :) You are right, they need to grow up.. thing is I want them to grow up.. and I think there are many like me out there... but is anyone listening???

  7. They need to get their house in order first. Figure out what they stand for, opposing everything under the sun is all fine and good for drama and media circles, but not for real work. Just saying we are against corruption is not enough. Who in their right mind will be 'for' corruption? But what people want from a political party and a leader is clear ideas, goals, strategies and blueprints. Perhaps AAP could have gained some experience in the real-world of politics and governance before aiming too big. I think their own ambition did them in. And perhaps the fact that they brought in all sorts of activists, NGOs etc many of whom had shady backgrounds and not an iota of experience with governance or real political action. The fact that their whole party is now unraveling with people quitting left and right shows their internal disunity and lack of purpose/goal. Just my 2 paise :)

    1. Those 2 paise are worth a lot Beloo :) Yeah experience is key here and that is something they are just not willing to gain. It will be interesting to see if they wake up or just noise their way out.

  8. Hi thank you for an interesting post it is your last line "Because God forbid, five years down, if these dark clouds were to return, we would want you to be there, stronger and mightier, to tide us through… yes to that brighter tomorrow" that I would like to believe.

    1. I agree, that is the line which makes me want them do well. But just talking and pointing fingers wont do. It makes more sense that they gain experience in governing first... thanks for stopping by Dilip :)

  9. Really well written Seeta!!
    I think the only thing I'll add to this is that, we all need to be involved in whichever way possible and help this movement retain its original values.
    I for one am hopeful, since they have shown the tenacity to seek feedback, accept mistakes and make improvements. It's going to be a long road and we need to support it and not just be the disinterested by-standers we tend to be. It's our problem and we need to solve it, through AAP or through any other people's movement.

    1. I agree Jagbir, we all need to be involved. But its also a fact that you cannot have a party with the entire country active in it, that's the reason there are representatives. We are hopeful too, but like it or not just having an intention is not enough, there needs to be some experience as well. there was a chance with Delhi and that was thrown out of the window. In the next 5 years, instead of just talking and pointing fingers, I think the party needs to see how it can do some hands on governance at a state level, gain experience and grow strong. Just having thoughts is not enough, implementing them and having the ability to do so is equally important. Its our problem but solving it doesnt mean just talking about, it means starting on a smaller scale so that a few years down there is enough know how to handle the country. Right now just pointing fingers is also being a bystander, why not try and gain experience instead? Bigger picture is at a national level, but to build that picture a start needs to be done somewhere right? That's all that I am want to say.. Dont just talk, let the actions speak.

  10. I am not very hopeful - such movements are good theoretically but not practically suited to survive. You need a certain cunning and charisma to reconcile diverse views and take people in single direction - AK lacks both. He just has basic honesty which is hardly sufficient to win a national election and run a country - he could not even manage to keep Anna Hazare, Kiran Bedi and the rest of the original Lok Pal flock together for a year - where is he going to mobilize a country.

    1. I agree.. like I said I have faith in the movement but not the leader. You are right, the leader is what decides the fate of such movements.. if only people would realize that..

  11. Seeta, your hope does you credit.

    But I agree with Suresh and Karthik. But I have one more reason for concluding that AAP will become a part of statistics- nothing more.

    The face of the party was AK. And AK has lost all credibility- at least in the eyes of people like me.

    He is a liar. So are other people, you will say. True, but other people dont project themselves as men and women of impeccable integrity- again, again and AGAIN- and then do the dirty on you in such a shabby, ignoble way.

    And of course, I will always distrust people whose sole strategy for governance is 'freebies'. Nothing comes free in this world, someone always pays for the free stuff. I don't think this mindset ought to be encouraged at all. I am too proud to take free stuff so it will turn out that I am one of those who will pay for other people's freebies. I'll be damned if I will!

    No matter what AAP turns into in the future, it will be very difficult (read impossible) for me to ever trust them again.

    I am sorry for being the voice of dissent. I hope you aren't offended. I don't get into political discussions- except with people I trust.

    1. Wholeheartedly agree with you Dagny. I think the leader is always the one is the key factor for how the group as a whole performs. Here the leader is doing nothing but bringing it down. I believed in the thought but I no longer believe in the leadership and style of action. This post was written out of frustration. I have been seeing a lot of AAP volunteers pointing fingers at the 10 day old government. I mean without having done anything yourselves, on what basis do you do that? First prove yourself.. they dont seem to get that.. and until AK remains their leader, they wont either...
      You dont have to be sorry, its precisely what everyone who hoped AAP would do well feels.. and your last line made my day.. thanks for placing that trust in me. means a lot :)

  12. Ur post reflects the condition so aptly . I too feel some how the fire died too quickly . Hope something they do which will just not let go all those strong words waste !
    Not sure hw much practical they r :(

    1. Yes, I hope so too. the fire needs to be rekindled.. but in the right fashion

  13. Agree with you, Seeta.
    AAP rekindled hopes & then let the public down.
    The public retaliated & many AAP candidates lost deposits! Hope they learn the right lessons and stand for good governance rather than theatrics! :)

    1. Yup, I guess all we can do is hope and do our bit :)

  14. It is sad that AAP has sort of fizzeled out but I think the reason is people too.. many of the so called followers did not vote for them ..

    and offcourse the party itself let people down .. the people it chose were not the leaders one should have chosen.. there are good people for sure .. but i think the damage is done ..


    1. The voting part might be true.... and the party has def. let people down in terms of the leadership examples its been giving... my thing is that in the long run, if the current govt. does not live up to expections, we will need an alternative, if they dont work on building themselves now, that will never happen and again 5 years down a new party will start taking birth just for that period of time :|

    2. you are right.. but AAP needs good leaders they are inexperienced and politics is a dirty game .. especially in our great country..

      but i am hoping that the bjp govt will do good.. I think we deserve some good years after so many not so good ..

  15. I agree and share your thoughts

    1. After writing this post, I realized most people do... thanks Magiceye :)

  16. I was always skeptical of them and I remain so. Nothing wrong with words, but actions are missing. Till then ...

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. In my view AAP really has lost a great opportunity just because of its political immaturity, double speak on certain issues, setting benchmarks and then frequently violating them, a bit whimsical functioning style of Mr. Arvind Kejriwal (though now we are hearing that he is making course correction on this count), unnecessarily making media its enemy, trying to spread too fast in the whole country and Mr. Kejriwal's decision to fight against Mr. Modi which forced all AAP resources including Mr. Kejriwal stuck in Varanasi.
    But in my view AAP still has a great opportunity because of Congress own compulsions to not going for any big change in current leadership and functioning style. If Congress chooses to run itself as it is, I don't see any scope for it to improve its tally from present score. It may rather go down. In that scenario, actually AAP should prepare itself to replace Congress from political landscape of India. It is the only other political party after BJP and Congress, which has national presence and has members/ volunteers. supporters in all over india.
    Therefore, all is not lost for AAP provided its leadership understands the opportunity and strategies and organise itself keeping that goal in mind.

  19. In my view AAP really has lost a great opportunity just because of its political immaturity, double speak on certain issues, setting benchmarks and then frequently violating them, a bit whimsical functioning style of Mr. Arvind Kejriwal (though now we are hearing that he is making course correction on this count), unnecessarily making media its enemy, trying to spread too fast in the whole country and Mr. Kejriwal's decision to fight against Mr. Modi which forced all AAP resources including Mr. Kejriwal stuck in Varanasi.
    But in my view AAP still has a great opportunity because of Congress own compulsions to not going for any big change in current leadership and functioning style. If Congress chooses to run itself as it is, I don't see any scope for it to improve its tally from present score. It may rather go down. In that scenario, actually AAP should prepare itself to replace Congress from political landscape of India. It is the only other political party after BJP and Congress, which has national presence and has members/ volunteers. supporters in all over india.
    Therefore, all is not lost for AAP provided its leadership understands the opportunity and strategies and organise itself keeping that goal in mind.

  20. In my view AAP really has lost a great opportunity just because of its political immaturity, double speak on certain issues, setting benchmarks and then frequently violating them, a bit whimsical functioning style of Mr. Arvind Kejriwal (though now we are hearing that he is making course correction on this count), unnecessarily making media its enemy, trying to spread too fast in the whole country and Mr. Kejriwal's decision to fight against Mr. Modi which forced all AAP resources including Mr. Kejriwal stuck in Varanasi.
    But in my view AAP still has a great opportunity because of Congress own compulsions to not going for any big change in current leadership and functioning style. If Congress chooses to run itself as it is, I don't see any scope for it to improve its tally from present score. It may rather go down. In that scenario, actually AAP should prepare itself to replace Congress from political landscape of India. It is the only other political party after BJP and Congress, which has national presence and has members/ volunteers. supporters in all over india.
    Therefore, all is not lost for AAP provided its leadership understands the opportunity and strategies and organise itself keeping that goal in mind.

  21. In my view AAP really has lost a great opportunity just because of its political immaturity, double speak on certain issues, setting benchmarks and then frequently violating them, a bit whimsical functioning style of Mr. Arvind Kejriwal (though now we are hearing that he is making course correction on this count), unnecessarily making media its enemy, trying to spread too fast in the whole country and Mr. Kejriwal's decision to fight against Mr. Modi which forced all AAP resources including Mr. Kejriwal stuck in Varanasi.
    But in my view AAP still has a great opportunity because of Congress own compulsions to not going for any big change in current leadership and functioning style. If Congress chooses to run itself as it is, I don't see any scope for it to improve its tally from present score. It may rather go down. In that scenario, actually AAP should prepare itself to replace Congress from political landscape of India. It is the only other political party after BJP and Congress, which has national presence and has members/ volunteers. supporters in all over india.
    Therefore, all is not lost for AAP provided its leadership understands the opportunity and strategies and organise itself keeping that goal in mind.

  22. Trying move too fast too soon.

  23. hey,you kept writing book reviews and stories.i think everyone wants rest from all the seriousness they had during election.i took a break from writing coz people din't want too serious stuff.

    hmm building an organisation out of masses is not like a instant coffee,it needs years of hard work,morally right people and greater magnitude of intellect which aap lacks.did i really miss something on your blog? i dunno what to write coz i was in hospital and my mind was dormant. am writing now like baby steps.one thing about majority population in india is ,people don't have acceptance to morally right stuff.so you can't keep people together with constant ideals.

    being optimistic,if you want to bring revolutionary changes,one doesn't need big names like anna hazare or kiran bedi......etc. all we need is educated professionals from different multinational companies who have high morals and intellect and integrity.i can bet on big things if you can bring 50 such people together to change things.i used to dream of this before anna hazare came into existence in media or became popular.if you have time and interest,you can implement this in 5 years of time.

    1. Yes, I guess I am not in the mind frame for politics right now :) and like you said needed a break from the seriousness. What you said is true, AAP was a hope, still can be but if only they do not jump the gun... j
      I hope you are feeling better now, do take care.. writing will follow once you are better.


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