Monday, February 03, 2014

So, my teacher was wrong

The chaos is like it has never been before. In its sixty seven year old post independence history, never has this nation seen the kind of disorder as is prevalent today. A country that has been witness to years of humiliation and bloodshed is today being subject to a fate much worse – callous behaviour, orthodox mindsets, selfish motives, idiosyncratic acts and above all a blatant disregard for the betterment of the land and its people. Branded to be the largest democracy, the nation today belies its very definition with nothing but conflict and a sense of anarchy invading its political system.

Be it the television, the newspaper or the social media, anywhere you look, you will come across something that makes you roll your eyes or hang your head in shame. Ninety percent of the time, a politician will be the reason behind it. A vague outlook coupled with an ambiguous approach seems to be the way ahead as far as their vision for the nation is concerned. Yes you might laugh momentarily at the buffoon like behaviour they exhibit but deep down you cringe, at the thought of these “leaders” leading our country and representing us.

Years ago, I was taught to believe that Leaders were those individuals who had a clear vision and the ability to inspire and guide people. They knew what it took to direct their people in the right direction, towards what would be beneficial and progressive in the long run.

Rather than focus on solving the problem, political leaders today prefer playing the blame game. Solutions don’t matter, what does is how much mud I am able to splash all over that crispy white Kurta that you wear every day. Or maybe that’s how they define progress, through mudslinging.

So today I wonder if my teacher was wrong; because everywhere I look, I see an entirely contradictory definition; that of power and greed laced with ambiguity and tied together by immaturity.

“Modi belongs to Gujarat but not once has he referred to Gandhi” screams a Congressman. It matters a lot as far as national security is concerned. Yes, that is definitely the sign of a leader. 

It’s all about empowerment, RTI and women safety, urges the Gandhi scion for every question thrown at him by the uncommonly subdued Arnab Goswami. That takes care of all the issues the world’s second largest population faces. Yes, that is definitely the sign of a leader. 

BJP politician’s party at a Zoo potentially causing the death of 21 Cheetals- probably a new way to ensure public safety. Yes, that is definitely the sign of a leader. 

An AAP minister goes on a midnight raid, making a woman urinate in public. The intentions were good; but the method of execution? … Yes, that is definitely the sign of a leader. 

“Blame women for getting raped” says an NCP woman leader. What could be a better way to deal with the monstrous issue of women safety if not this? Men need not change, the fault lies with women. Yes, that is definitely the sign of a leader. 

Duel over the 1984 and 2002 riots; demand an apology. Because crying over the past and attacking each other over history is the right way ahead. Yes, that is definitely the sign of a leader.

I can go on, till the cows come home. But that’s not necessary. You see, I get the picture. My teachers were wrong with their definition of leadership. Yes, their description flickers in now and then, usually when Kejriwal is not sitting on his Dharna. But this definition overshadows that hands down. If I had any doubts till now, they have been cleared by Mamata Banerjee announcing TMC as the “real”alternative at the national elections. 
I rest my case. My teacher was wrong.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The present state of affairs is sad Seeta Bodke no doubt but I have my hopes pined on AAP. The post is very well written. informative content presented in a easy to read manner...thats the mark of a good writer. Way to go Seeta!

    1. Thanks Swati! I was rather pissed with the things around and knew that more i write about it, more upset it would make me and the readers... this was an easier way to put it.

  3. Seeta, I don't even know if we can call them leaders. In my opinion, all that they are are elected representatives. Just like there is a difference between a statesman and the head of a state; there is a huge difference in being a leader and being elected to lead. Sadly, we seem to be doomed to media-orchestrated circuses more often than not :(.

    1. True.. but unfortunately as elected representatives, at some point in time they need to exhibit leadership qualities to take the country and its people to the next level... and like you said we seem to be doomed in this nautanki :|

  4. Such a sad state of affairs na?! We are in total chaos and we don't have decent leadership. Sigh!

    1. Absolutely. It is a state to cry over...

  5. Leadership is looked forward too...Morality is forgotten!

  6. 'Leaders were those individuals who had a clear vision and the ability to inspire and guide people. They knew what it took to direct their people in the right direction, '

    Just compare this with the mouthings of our politicians today -it seems as if they have lost their grey matter.They can't even visualize what effect their statements have,how they show their stupidity and contorted values.

  7. It's people. The problem is people. Did the people you worked for have "clear vision and the ability to inspire and guide people" ? I'd guess they didn't. They don't really care. And their "managers" don't care.. They just show that they care .. hmm sounds familiar? politicians!! yeah they do that too ..

    The present system works on creating a vacuum . a perpetual debt and then "working" on filling it . It's *designed* to create chaos and perpetual struggles.
    There are no alternatives. There can't be .. by design.

    People are not the solution. They are the problem. Technology is the solution.
    Massive computers and good algorithms balancing a "resource based" economy .No military. No countries. No jobs. No Monetary system. No perpetual debt. No 2% Monarchy. Lots of 3d printers :P . lots of robots. Lots of "free people" creating lots of "free things" .

    One thing They'll never tell ya : There is more than enough on this planet to take care of all the 7 billion people alive! .. :) ha .. but that does not fit the plan !

    Sounds like Utopia? .. its the *only* way .. And its gonna happen .. till then .. phew .. till then ...

  8. There are leaders and then there are political leaders!

  9. Very well written, just a quick update the woman who complained about the night raid has confessed to police about the prostitution racket and has said she was made to do this by AFRICAN men...but sorry state of our media, they won't highlight this news. :)

    1. true Gaurab. Read that today and realized it had everything to do with Media... man, it is so though to believe anything that is out there these days.

  10. The situation is just becoming worse by every day.

    1. Unfortunately, every word of what you said is true...

  11. Very pertinent points, Seeta.
    But there's a saying- 'A nation gets the leaders it deserves'.
    I guess we are to be blamed for not voting & for not allowing the right people to come to power. Hoping for a better future.

    1. True, the people we choose are a reflection of our (in)ability. hopefully we can change things going forward

  12. Why, even the latter day definition is tottering - "A leader is he who gauges which way the herd is running and runs ahead of it" :)

    1. Hahahaha. Suresh, trust you to come up with that :)

  13. I like your grasp over the subject. I can never write so well on this.

  14. Your teacher was wrong, Seeta. We have no leaders, we only have politicians.

    1. I hate to admit it Tom, but yes they were wrong :(

  15. Sad reality. But many times we find differences in what we learnt and how it is actually in reality. :(

  16. Agree with you...Today I find no politician who has the potential to stand as a leader in the truest sense...All the political parties and their leaders belong to the same herd...I desperately want a button in the EVM machine which reads " I'm not casting my vote in anybody's favour ''...

    1. Not a single one.. not even Kejriwal if you ask me.. not because he isn't good or doesn't hold the potential, but right now he is the new kid on the block who is yet to prove himself

  17. Nice article..:)

  18. Unfortunately, given the Political scenario, it's the corrupt, the desperate and the criminals who take to politics for more muscle power.

    1. Yeah, its all about the extent of power you can exercise...

  19. It truly is chaotic, Seeta..I just had a discussion with a colleague and we both were of same opinion. Well written.

  20. Hi Seeta...i was reading but then it got so political that i had to quit midway....i dnt like to read politics..... sowie :/

    1. No problem dude :) I like writing on this topic but you will find other stuff here as well.


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