Thursday, November 07, 2013

Just Cannot Shake It Off!

Let’s face it; we all love them and can never let them go. Not even when Mamma’s glares follow us all around the house and the supposedly better half wonders why s/he married us at all.  You place your bets but never let the stakes be too high, knowing the probability of losing are 1 almost all the time.

Try as I might; I cannot stop myself from raising that disobedient brow when I come across them nor can I get rid of the sheepish grin when eyes roll at mine. Habits! - Some endearing, many nagging while others frustrating. If life was a departmental store, there would be many shoppers claiming ownership to one or more. I am sure they would come in different colours and sizes, adding spice and zest to our otherwise boring lives.
Source: Alter

Size “XS and S”, Colour “Pink”- those quirky charming little behaviours that make u go awwwww. They are usually available in small sizes, do not take up much space,but have enough top of the mind recall. If you enjoy licking the cream instead of mixing it with the coffee, you will be greeted with smiles here. Twiddle the thumb every time you are impatient, then this section is for you. If rocking that left leg each time you are nervous make the entire room go tremble and clenching your fists when you break into peals of laughter sends your friends rolling on the floor then you have come to the right place. You can match your bras and panties to the shade for every mood and buy those mismatched socks to wear every day and no one will raise more than a brow. I promise.

Size “M” and sometimes “XS and S”, Colour “Amber” – that pesky brattiness that makes you want to pull your hair out comes in slightly bigger sizes given the effect they have on everyone. If you feel leaving a few drops behind in your tea cup adds to its daintiness and not just wastage, then this is where you feel at home. Paying with lovingly crumpled notes might seem crazy to your local grocer esp. when he needs to literally iron them to know how much has come his way, but it makes perfect sense to us (who are) loyal to this section. Leaving your books and files all around the place might seem annoying to most, but in the eyes of your fellow shoppers in this aisle, they form kaleidoscope patterns to sigh over. Untying and tying shoelaces seems like such a waste of time. Leaving them tied on and slipping your feet in and out feels so right to do, despite the admonishing look piercing the back of your head. If every aspect of life is a nail biting finish then you will find plenty of those movie buffs for company right here.

Size “L” and “XL”, Colour “Red”- Stay away! Yeah, these habits can torture you like none other and this is a section never sought after. All sizes here scream large or more to keep in tandem with the sizes of the pupils that come across these behaviours. Ever wondered why many dig their nose in search for gold so much - What else can one expect with gold rates sky rocketing every day?  A clean shave attracts more than a second look but the hair left behind buries the sink hole. Deodorants smell wonderful if used to serve its purpose rather than just adorn the cosmetic shelf. As much as sharing spreads love, grabbing food off another’s plate without consent only heightens the hate that stems from it. Talking of table manners, if you love to talk while you eat; be prepared to have thy neighbours sit a cautious distance away.  Sleepy head are you? Cover the mouth before others count the number of cavities the yawn displays. 
Yes, they scare alright but they are found sitting nice and snug in that corner of the store.

While different sizes fit different people, some of them come in a size that fits all. The most popular being the toilet seat. While the ‘Mars’ians prefer it left up, the ‘Venus’lings love to leave the seat down. It starts with being adorable, moves to being annoying and finally ends with world wars breaking out.

Whichever size be it, whatever colour it comes in, we all own some or all of them. Hell might break loose or the gods may descend but nothing can take them away from us. Charming or queer, delightful or peculiar, annoying or downright frustrating however they might be, they come with us as a package deal. Sometimes we manage to give them up esp. the larger sizes but it takes away a part of us for the better or the worse.
Meanwhile the glares continue, the grins widen and the brow rises higher and higher till it all becomes a way of life.

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  1. Are we talking about socks or shoes here ? Sorry a bit hard to follow :P
    I can (so will many other males) relate to the toilet seat war :). I have finally given up and now it's part of the routine to keep the seat down ..I think its more hygienic!

  2. Very right observations, Seeta!
    Habits make us & even break us! :)

  3. @Aragom- socks, that's a common habit people have believe me :). yes, the toilet seat has caused many a wars hasnt it :P

  4. @Anita- and we cannot do without them can we ;-)

  5. true....and the height is, we don't realize it until somebody points that out to us :)

  6. @Pankti - so true! More often than not we don't even get the stares and glares, we need to be told explicitly :P

  7. A toilet seat never judges!! Thank God for giving us the brain to come up with an idea for it!!
    hahah this post made me think and laugh!

  8. I am guffawing out loud Sita yet another habit I just can't shake off ;) Loved the line about life being departmental store.

  9. Lovely well written Seeta, we are what our habits are. :)

  10. @ Redhanded - hahaha but it does cause the most arguments between the two halves :P

    @ Anu- XS or S for you then and the colour is pink! ;-)

    @Indrani- yup, hopefully we dont carry too many larger sizes there :P

  11. Very good post indeed. Teaching good manners, morals and habits was part of the educational curriculum. However these days other things have become more important and hence habits too have changed.

  12. Its too hard to be so self conscious, one need not have to be so, its better to fight it out and make up and make out later. At least I prefer that.

    Pages off Life

  13. @ Fayaz- :) thank you!
    @ Rupertt - agree to that view :)

  14. Ah! Now I know why people duck out of sight when I am espied on the horizon :) I seem to have aggregated the undesirable qualities of all sizes (and still have not found gold - which may have made me desirable regardless - even if dug out from the nose :)) Fun post, Seeta


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