Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Pink "Gold"

Source: Arquepoetica/

They stared and then frowned
Wondering what was to be done
To make the dinner gravies white and brown

A lot had gone into planning the menu
With mushrooms, paneer and the humble alu
Of appetizers, soups, entrees and desserts
The flavours would be amiss
 With the core ingredient going berserk

Mouths watered at dinner every night
With thoughts of soups and the salad so light
None of which could be perfected…
Wish as much as you might

Oh! What could be done!
Wondered the team in white hats
Should the menu turn Jain…
Inviting customers with bricks and bats?

There was not much one could do
But cry a tear or two
Helpless they felt sitting up all night
At Rs. 100 a kilo, there was simply no respite

Would things change, they wondered now and then
Would the racy root be part of their pantry again?

Humble as it was, precious it has become
Unfortunately for all of us
The tearful saga had just begun


  1. Good take on the problem. :)

  2. @Indrani- Using the onion sparingly was never my cup of tea.. the pain of doing so brought this out in me :P

  3. Really a tearful saga, Seeta!
    I love 'The Pink Gold'- Great Title for onions & loved the way you have portrayed them in your Poem! :)
    Prices expected to rocket even higher by Diwali...
    Poor us! :)

  4. @ Jai- :-)
    @Anita- the onion always makes us cry.. some way or the other... doesn't it? ;-)

  5. too good, brought a tear to my eye!

  6. @karthik... Ohh! have the prices gone up in UK too? :D

  7. As we continue to convert farm lands into SEZs, apartment conglomerates, shopping malls, and so on, food will continue to extract tears...

  8. Twas a pleasant surprise to see your poetry :) never guessed you were into this stream of writing. Onions have become a necessity in the kitchens indeed! I purchased a huge "pink gold" just today at the Farmers Market :D

  9. @Ash- it was just an attempt :) Just hope Onion doesnt turn into gold for you'll there!

    @ Rajesh- :-)

  10. very interesting poem, I never thought a poem on onion can be so nice :(, :)


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