Thursday, September 19, 2013

Banoongi mai… Miss America!

Miss India must be jealous. After all, her days of limelight hardly lasted a couple of newsprint columns and a few slots in the evening news. She definitely did not make it to everyone’s Facebook pages. Thankfully no racial slurs made their way to her but wait! Hold on a minute. Says who those comments mean any harm? Especially in Apna Des? Remember Big Brother a few years ago? All the racism did was bounce the then Miss Shetty back onto Page 3.

Why should things be any different now? India has already begun her sympathy vote. We have always been partial in our treatment towards our “Firang betas and betis" haven’t we? Err... it does depend on how glamorous the achievement mind you (Click here to know what I mean). I say, why should anything be different now? The stage is setting up, the newspapers and social media are testimony to this. Felicitations must be being debated right now; I am sure our Netas will not be letting us down. They never do right?

Miss India must be worried as well. Wonder if she is having sleepless nights right now. All those advertising campaigns, modeling offers and Bollywood scripts. ..Will they come her way now? Only time can tell.
For now scoot over Miss India, make way... Miss America is here!


  1. Bollywood scripts, yes. But only after she soaks herself in Fair and Lovely. She hasn't seen the racism in India yet!

  2. Hahaha! very true! She might just do another Slumdog Millionaire and become the next Frieda Pinto!

  3. I came across an article floating around that said she wouldn't really stand a chance to win a crown in India - apparently she's too dark for India :P

  4. Hypocrites aren't we? We will drool over her while she wins the crown there, offer her movies maybe.. but had it been here, well.. ummm...errrr...ummm.....she wouldn't make the cut past round 1 of the pageant :|

  5. I like the piece on the achievement!

  6. Am referring to the the FB link ... spelling bee vs beauty pageant...

  7. Hah! India would celebrate her winning, would praise her achievement, but would never let her be one of the Indian Cinema faces. This is a land of Fair and lovely and Fair and handsome.

  8. Very true Namrota but she might get the attention Frieda Pinto does.. dont you think?

  9. Hehe, good one, babe. I'm rather bemused by all the attention she's getting from the Indian media, notwithstanding the fact that she made herself crystal clear on where her loyalties lie, and rightly so i suppose considering she was born and raised in the States. And yes, i did read something similar to what Pradeep did, on how it spoke volumes about the U.S. that a dark-skinned contestant was crowned a winner there, something that might not be possible in India. I'm desperately trying to not believe the second-half of that quote :-l


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