Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Coming back to life...

They have been my companions all throughout. My conversations with them would last 12-14 hours every day. Weekends and holidays too had lost their meaning. Wasted was the time that I spent without them, eager was I to return back to that world ….or so I felt.

A lot did occur which should have made me read the signs... getting distanced from the closest friend I ever had to losing a parent.  They all left an everlasting mark on me. Hurt it did, but all the pain did was push me more into the only world I had come to know…or I thought I knew.

It took me nine long years to take a pause and look back at life...  life as I had made it to be. Endless hours spent on conference calls, presentations; excel sheets, word documents and visio diagrams. Precious time spent on doing something I had no appreciation or passion for.  I tried to unearth memories of friends and family that would make me not feel so guilty; there were a few, drowning in the ocean of emptiness. It shook me out of an oblivion that I had not realized I was in…

Strings had snapped leaving gaping holes but many had stubbornly stayed put…loosened they might have but nevertheless hung on. I silently sent up a prayer thanking the almighty for their obstinate behavior…

If only I could turn back the clock to the days I now yearn for… if only…

It was time to change things for the good, spend my time enjoying every minute of my existence, doing what I love to do…it was time to secure those loosened strings and bring back life into my life..

It was time to take that first baby step and I did…I quit.
“I knew the moment had arrived
For killing the past and coming back to life”

                                                                                --Pink Floyd


  1. You have been a mentor...unofficially its official....what can I say....Live life the way you want it :)

  2. To consciously acknowledge things that you make you unhappy and and to do something about it takes introspection and courage. I am glad you made the choice that you did. Life is too short to be spent on things that we are not passionate about.
    Keep me posted on your journey of discovery

  3. True, life just goes by and we yearn to turn back... we can't the moment we realize that life is slipping by start at that moment itself, live each day for an hour or two doing what you always wanted to


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